This infographic shows a compilation of 18 democratically selected socio-political and infrastructural strategies to enhance disaster risk resilience in marginalized settings of urban South Africa. These intervention strategies or ‘Best Bets’ were formulated through the UKRI GCRF ‘Water and Fire’ research project (2019 – 2022) which aimed to co-produce knowledge with residents of three communities at risk of environmental disaster in the Cape Flats area of Cape Town. Specifically, the ‘Best Bets’ are considered to have the potential to strengthen resilience against recurrent large-scale fires, localised flooding, and inconsistent access to water. They were selected through partnership between affected community members and multidisciplinary researchers via an in-depth participatory research process comprising digital storytelling, community mapping and photovoice. Research was undertaken with 48 citizens from two informal settlements (Overcome Heights and Sweet Home Farm) and the large township of Delft. The ‘Best Bets’ have been presented by the participating community members to an array of stakeholders including multiple tiers and departments of the South African government. All field work was led by the Sustainable Livelihoods Foundation.