This infographic shows 8 democratically selected socio-political and infrastructural strategies to strengthen resilience against localized flooding in marginalized communities in urban South Africa. These intervention strategies or ‘Best Bets’ were formulated through the UKRI GCRF ‘Water and Fire’ research project (2019 – 2022) which aimed to co-produce knowledge with residents of three communities at risk of environmental disaster in the Cape Flats area of Cape Town. The 8 resilience actions illustrated in this infographic were developed through a research partnership between 16 women and men residing in the informal settlement of Sweet Home Farm, and an international team of multidisciplinary researchers. Sweet Home Farm has been built on a wetland which was a former dumping ground. The settlement has no drainage system and is prone to regular flooding events, causing severe damage to numerous households and posing a significan threat to human health. The ‘Best Bets’ to mitigate localized flooding were selected via an in-depth participatory research process comprising digital storytelling, community mapping and photovoice. The ‘Best Bets’ have been presented by the participating community members to an array of stakeholders including multiple tiers and departments of the South African government.